Your Case Plan Service Level Agreement

This Service Level Agreement ("SLA") is an optional part of the Master Subscription Agreement ("MSA") between [Customer Name] ("Customer") and [Your Company Name] ("Provider") regarding the use of the SaaS product "Your Case Plan." This agreement is only applicable to customers where this agreement is explicitly included and referenced within the MSA. Additional costs may apply.

  1. Service Overview

    1.1. Service Description: "Your Case Plan" is a Software-as-a-Service (SaaS) product designed to assist with case management and planning for child welfare cases.
    1.2. Scope of Services: This SLA covers the availability, performance, and support of "Your Case Plan."

  2. Service Availability
    2.1. Uptime Commitment: Provider will use commercially reasonable efforts to make "Your Case Plan" available with a Monthly Uptime Percentage of at least 99.9%.
    2.2. Service Downtime: "Service Downtime" refers to the time when the SaaS product is unavailable. This excludes:
    Scheduled Maintenance (with at least 48 hours' prior notice)
    Emergency Maintenance: Downtime caused by factors outside Provider's control (e.g., force majeure, third-party service failures).
    2.3. Scheduled Maintenance: Maintenance will be scheduled during off-peak hours and will be communicated to the Customer at least 48 hours in advance.

  3. Support Services
    3.1. Support Hours: Support for "Your Case Plan" is available from [Start Time] to [End Time] [Time Zone], [Days of the Week].

    3.2. Support Channels: Support is provided via:

    Email: [Support Email]
    Phone: [Support Phone Number]
    Live Chat: [Link to Chat]
    3.3. Response Times: Provider will respond to support requests based on the severity of the issue as follows:

    Critical Issues (e.g., Service Unavailable): Response within 1 hour.
    High Priority Issues (e.g., Major functionality impaired): Response within 4 hours.
    Medium Priority Issues (e.g., Minor functionality impaired): Response within 1 business day.
    Low Priority Issues (e.g., General questions): Response within 2 business days.

  4. Service Credits
    4.1. Eligibility for Service Credits: If the Monthly Uptime Percentage falls below 99.9%, the Customer may be eligible for Service Credits.

    4.2. Calculation of Service Credits: Service Credits are calculated as a percentage of the monthly subscription fee for the affected month, based on the following scale:

    99.0% to 99.9%: 5% Service Credit
    95.0% to 98.9%: 10% Service Credit
    Below 95.0%: 20% Service Credit

    4.3. Requesting Service Credits: To receive a Service Credit, the Customer must request it by contacting Provider within 30 days of the end of the affected month. Provider will apply the Service Credit to the next billing cycle.

  5. Exclusions
    This SLA does not apply to:

    Issues caused by Customer’s use of the service in a manner inconsistent with the Documentation.
    Downtime resulting from Customer’s equipment, software, or other technology.
    Issues caused by unauthorized modifications or use of the service.
    Beta and trial versions of the service.

  6. Term and Termination
    6.1. Effective Date: This SLA becomes effective on the start date of the Customer’s subscription to "Your Case Plan."

    6.2. Termination: This SLA will terminate upon the termination of the Master Subscription Agreement or the Customer's subscription.

  7. Miscellaneous
    7.1. Entire Agreement: This SLA, along with the Master Subscription Agreement, constitutes the entire agreement between the parties regarding the subject matter hereof and supersedes all prior agreements and understandings.

    7.2. Amendments: Provider may amend this SLA by providing at least 30 days' notice to the Customer.

​Sunlight Group DBA Your Case Plan​
167 E Chatham St Suite 300​​
Cary NC 27511​